My #1 Resolution
My #1 Resolution

My #1 Resolution

Happy New Year!!

So, I am a lazy housekeeper. There, I said it! The dishes sometimes stay in the sink, the laundry doesn’t always get put away quickly, and I would much rather work on the blog, or crochet, or look for deals, or ANYTHING other than clean the house!

Sometimes it’s a difficult job because our youngest is still a bit of a tornado at 13, but he will be shaping up right along with me. I firmly believe that the definition of Boy is “Noise with Dirt on it”. My boy is usually barefoot and shirtless, running the neighborhood with his friends and cousins, without a care in the world. Oh to be young again.

My other challenge is that my bi-polar has me all over the place, both emotionally and physically. Emotionally because I spend my time either too down to do anything, or too up to figure out What I want to do. I will get started doing one thing, turn around and forget what I was doing, and off I go doing something else. “I forgot” is one of the most common things out of my mouth. These are my biggest excuses… but they are valid ones.

My Lucky Turn

Thankfully, one of my daughters is a cleaner. I really need to take my cues from her! That’s so sad to say… but she’s the one usually in charge of making sure the house stays presentable. She does press her siblings into service to help her with the chores, but she is the task master.

Until now!

This year, my biggest goal is to keep the house clean and put together. But first we need to GET it put together! We have SO much stuff taking up so much room, meaning one of the first parts of getting it together, will be to purge. I’m lucky to have a lot of storage, it’s just full of 3 generations of stuff! I’m not sure why the 4 of us that live on this side of the house need a combined total of 97 coats and jackets when we live in Florida, but there you go.

The Purge

The Great Purge of 2025 begins this week! Everyone does a Keep-Sell-Trash system, and we will probably use that method, as well. At least I have a bunch of delivery boxes from Christmas to help me organize stuff! I also need to remember to not get sidetracked by all of the cool things that I rediscover! If I don’t use it, I don’t need it. That will be my mantra.

I’ve made a list to help me on keep track of what to do and what I’ve done. I’ve shared it with you here! I’ve gone room by room for the main areas and also included a blank version to jot down any other areas to tackle. (I will be making some more organizational printables in the near future, so keep an eye out.)

My #1 Resolution

Changing my lazy habits will be an ongoing battle. I really struggle with sit-on-my-butt-itis. I’m usually keeping my hands busy, but I do spend WAAY too much time holding the couch down. I’m also a very “spurty worker”, meaning that I will sit for a while working on something, then get the idea that I need to do something, and am up for a little while doing that before remembering what I was doing before and sitting back down to work on that.

I will work closely with my daughter to keep myself accountable. That, my friends, is such a strange thing. I’m just so glad that she got her cleaning habits NOT by my example!